Gunes Newspaper

Turkish engineers have developed a new system that senses fractures and cracks on the rail remotely by means of vibration and their inventions have been patented.

The system developed by Enekom engineers can detect the fractures and cracks on the rail remotely via vibration. Until now, track circuits which are working with the principle of electrical continuity on the rail, in the detection of rail fractures, seemed to be the most widely used system in the world. However, due to the fact that the rail is also a return current line, this method can cause serious errors.


Enekom, which is located in METU Technopolis, has developed the ultimate broken rail detection system which works in the acoustic domain in order to meet the needs in this field and to produce a local solution to this global problem. The system called RailAcoustic is protected by patents.


RailAcoustic works on the principle that the acoustic signal generated at a certain frequency on the rail is detected from 2 points, one away. The difference between the vibration signal levels carried by the faulty rail which is broken or severely damaged or covered by flood or landslide between two points of the rail and reflected from the faulty region is detected and processed by the sensitive detection electronics of the system. Changes on the rail can be monitored at the control center and this can result in an alarm.

Source: Gunes Newspaper