- 02/04/2019
- Posted by: enekom
- Category: News

First time in the world, RailAcoustic (Broken Rail Detection System), which detects rail faults such as breaks and cracks remotely, automatic and before train reaches was developed by Enekom in METU Technopolis / Ankara. The first application will take place in Ankara-Konya high speed railway line and Ankara-Kırıkkale conventional railway line. For the use of the system on the London Underground System, the real time on-the-track use tests are expected to yield good performance results.
This unique invention, registered with international patents, was developed by Enekom, a company operating in METU Technopolis / Ankara. RailAcoustic was the hope for the detection of rail breaks, which were the unsolved problem of the railways of the whole world. The system, which was first used by TCDD, completed its tests, and operates on the principle of detecting the vibrations generated at a certain frequency on the rail from 2 points, one away and one near. In this electromechanical detection system, placed on the rails, vibration is transmitted from one side of the rail to the other and this vibration signal is read from three points simultaneously. Because of faults on rails, the signals generated and detected by the sensitive detection and processing electronics of the system are subjected to an automatic evaluation at the remote control center after being carried to the control center computer via an IP based fiber-optical or rf communication network. Remote measurements can be carried out manually or automatically at desired frequency by means of a vibration application and sensing modules placed at distances up to 2 km on the line.
The System Shall Be Applied to Ankara – Konya High Speed Railway Line
General Manager of Enekom Haluk Gökmen emphasized that the abrasions and fractures in the rails are natural, inevitable and expected results, and this has been developed mostly due to long term usage and environmental conditions and it is vital to perceive these problems before the train passing. Gökmen said that this situation, which created a huge security gap in all countries, was attempted to be solved by electrical circuits in general such as track circuits but that the track circuits could not work effectively under certain conditions.
Gökmen, said: We are proud that the technology we have developed is one hundred percent domestic and national. We won the tender by TCDD and signed a contract in April 2018. On the Ankara-Konya High Speed Line and on the Ankara-Kırıkkale Conventional Railway Line, we will install the system on a total of 94 kilometers (90 Km double line and 4 Km single line). We are approaching the stage of agreements with India and Australia, the London Subway (The Tube) is closely following this issue. We are in talks with Canada, Belgium, South Korea and Japan. We are in cooperation with TCDD to disseminate the system.
Many accidents in the world and our country could be prevented
If this technology had been developed before, a lot of accidents could have been prevented, such as the last one in Çorlu. Rail and line damages in sudden natural events, such as floods, landslides, were largely pre-perceived. Damage information on the rail would be transmitted to the train via the signaling system and it was possible to start the process for stopping the train.
Source: Hürriyet Gazetesindeki Linki